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How do I request a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA)?

DPA stands for Deferred Prosecution Agreement.  In a Deferred Prosecution, the State agrees to withhold prosecution of the Infraction herein as long as the Defendant complies with the terms of this Agreement.  If you receive a traffic or misdemeanor charge, please contact the Prosecutor’s Office at 812-379-1670 option 2 to see if you are eligible for a deferral.

How do I find out whether a child support payment was made?

The Prosecutor’s office enforces the order to pay support.  The actual payments are made to the County Clerk’s office or to Indiana State Central Collection Unit (INSCCU).  (Certain exceptions may apply)

If the obligated parent pays through the Bartholomew County Clerk, you may contact the Clerk in writing or in person to see if a payment has been made.  The telephone number to the support clerk is 812-379-1603.  You will need to have a picture ID available.  In some instances there may be a small fee for these records.  

If the obligated parent does not pay through the Bartholomew County Clerk, you may either contact the appropriate Clerk’s office, or call the Indiana State Child Support Bureau at 1-800-840-8757.

How do I find out if legal action will be brought against a non-custodial parent who misses a child support payment?

The law provides that the non-custodial parent must be at least the equivalent of one (1) month behind in payments before a prosecutor can bring legal action.

How do I request an arrest on an obligated parent that doesn't pay child support?

The Prosecutor’s office can only obtain a warrant for arrest from the court if the delinquent parent fails to attend a court hearing or is liable for criminal charges.

How do I request the obligated parent’s tax return?

You will not need their tax return. If the obligated parent owes enough to have his/her taxes offset it will be done automatically.  The obligated parent must owe at least one-hundred-fifty dollars ($150.00) on a Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) case or former TANF case to be offset.  The obligated parent must be at least five-hundred dollars ($500.00) in arrears on a non-TANF case to be offset.

The obligated parent will be offset even if they are already paying on the arrearage, provided that the arrearage meets the above criteria.

The Indiana State Child Support Bureau will keep any taxes that are offset, if any money is due to the State of Indiana.

Any money owed to the custodial parent will be distributed by the Indiana State Child Support Bureau approximately six (6) months after the obligated parent files his/her return.  If it is a joint return, the Indiana State Child Support Bureau does not hold a single return as long.

The reason for the delay in processing is to eliminate the necessity of the custodial parent being required to pay any money back that may be received in an error to the Indiana State Child Support Bureau.  Such an error could result from an amended return being filed, a tax audit, or an injured spouse form being filed by the obligated parent’s current spouse.

We must have the obligated parent’s verified social security number to offset taxes.


How do I apply for public assistance, such as Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), formerly AFDC, with child support?

Under Federal law, a custodial parent who receives Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) assigns all child support to the Indiana State Child Support Bureau.  This means that any support payments that are received after the custodial parent enrolls in TANF are given to the government.  After the custodial parent withdraws from the TANF program, the custodial parent will receive any payments allocated to current child support, any back support remaining that accrued prior to receiving TANF, and any back support that accrues after TANF is no longer received.

How do I apply for the IV-D program and receive child support money?

Child support that is paid while the custodial parent is on TANF will be sent to the Indiana State Child Support Bureau to reimburse the TANF received.

If no TANF has been received, all money paid to the clerk’s office will be sent to the custodial parent, until everything owed for the month is paid in full.  The payoff order is as follows:

a.)    Current support for the month

b.)   Back support owed to the custodial parent (pre-TANF or post TANF), until paid in full

c.)    Money owed to the State of Indiana

Money intercepted from tax returns always goes to the State of Indiana first, regardless of the case type, if there is any money owed to the State of Indiana for TANF reimbursement.

  • The ISETS computer system calculates the number of weeks and amount due on each account at the beginning of each month.  All payments received go to current support until that account is paid in full for the month, then to support arrearages.

How do I apply for money directly from the non-custodial parent as a IV-D client or Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) recipient?

If you are receiving TANF benefits, all payments from the non-custodial parent must be paid to the Clerk’s office or through the Indiana State Central Collection Unit (INSCCU).  If you accept any money or significant property from the non-custodial parent, you may jeopardize your TANF benefits and you may be charged with a crime.

Accepting direct payments is grounds for being terminated from the IV-D program, even if you are not currently on TANF.

Reminder:  If the applicant is not currently receiving TANF or Medicaid for the applicant or the child(ren), there is a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee that is due at the time you turn in your paperwork.  This non-refundable fee is payable by money order or cashier’s check only and should be made payable to the Indiana Division of Family and Children.

These information packets and application forms can be located in the form center within our website for download.
