About Us

Tami Hines,

The Recorder is an elected position authorized by Article 6, Section 2 of the Indiana Constitution and serves a four (4) year term.  IC 36-2-11 details the specific duties of the recorder position which focuses mainly on the recording, filing, and preservation of documentation in the realm of property records.  Recorded documents or instruments must meet the requirements of IC 36-2-11-16 and IC 36-2-11-16.5.  Instruments recorded in the Recorder's office include Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments, Releases, Powers of Attorney, Real Estate Contracts, Annexations, Trustee Elections, Affidavits, Surveys, Federal Tax Liens, Mechanics Liens, Military Discharges, Articles of Incorporation, Cemetery Deeds, Bonds, Plats, Condominiums, Firms Doing Business Under Assumed Names, Delinquent Sewer Liens, and Miscellaneous Instruments. 

The costs associated with obtaining copies of any instrument are located in our fees section.


Chief Deputy: Debra Settle

2nd Deputy: Melissa Kirk

2nd Deputy: Roxana Quillen





CSC eRecording Solutions
Email Address -
Phone Number - 866-652-0111
Website - www.erecording.com




Contact: Michelle Wilsey, sales Director, Indiana
Email Address - ,
Phone Number - 800-460-5657 x2
Website - www.simplifile.com


Fees (Effective January 1, 2021)

County Recorder fees are prescribed by IC 36-2-7-10.5


Deeds $25
Not Exceeding 8 1/2" X 14"
(Including rerecorded instruments
- fee includes 1 oversized page)
Mortgage $55
Not Exceeding 8 1/2" X 14"  
Affidavits / Other Documents  $25
Not Exceeding 8 1/2" X 14"  
Each Release / Partial Release / Assignment  $25
Not Exceeding 8 1/2" X 14"  
Any Document Exceeding 9" X 15" $5
Within any document shall be charged  
Mechanics Lien $25
With One First-Class Mailing, First Page  
Each Additional Mailing $2

Requirements to Conform:

Each page no larger than 8-1/2" X 14", Black ink in at least 10-point type on 20 lb. paper, 2" margin on the top and bottom of first & last pages & 1/2" on both sides. Interior pages require a 1/2" margin on top, bottom, and sides. No permanent-bound or continuous-form paper.

Additional Services  
Each Cross Reference or notation above one $7
Certifying or Acknowledging a Document $5
Copies 11" X 17" or smaller per page $1
Copies Larger than 11" X 17" per page $5
Uniform Commercial Codes $25
Not Exceeding 8 1/2" X 14"  



December 30, 2020

Media Contact:

Joseph J. DeVito

(317) 264-9873

Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs introduce new process for tracking veteran discharge records

Records requests can be made through County Recorder offices in online system

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) website, www.in.gov/dva is now home to a new application process for requesting copies of service member records recorded with County Recorder offices beginning January 5.

Authorized requesters utilize the online system in making the request. The online request process tracks and records the request, as well as the outcome of the request.

All requests for veteran documents must now utilize this system. The request system tracks the request and issuance of records to ensure greater veteran privacy and protection of information contained in the documents. The veteran must continue to provide photo identification when making a request for records.

More information regarding IDVA’s online records request process e-mail: .


How Do I...

How do I request a form if I want to prepare a Recorder's document myself?

The Recorder's office urges you to consult firms, companies, or persons familiar with the transaction to assist you.  Should this not be your choice, various forms may be purchased at stationary stores.  The responsibility to choose the correct form is yours.

How do I contact the recorder's office to perform a search?

The Recorder's office is required to preserve by general indices on all documents recorded by Bartholomew County.  Should you need to search for a document, we will direct you in the use of these books and computer software.  Our office is located on the second floor of the Governmental Office Building at 440 Third Street.

How do I request a copy of my land records?

You can visit the DoxPop.com website.  Copies may be purchased through them.

Property Watch

Doxpop Property Watch

Doxpop Property Watch is a free service for the residents of Bartholomew County. Upon accessing the site it will guide the user straight through a few simple steps to get set up. It will collect information regarding the name and legal description of the property, and send the user an email when a filing is made in the Recorder’s office that matches that data. If you own multiple properties in the county you can register each one.

Please be aware this service will not prevent a fraudulent transfer of real estate. It merely notifies a person when a document has been recorded in our office meeting the specified criteria. It is up to the owner to obtain legal counsel if it is not something they have initiated. In addition, our documents are indexed back to January 1963 and Property Watch will only work for land records that are available in our application.

If you have questions, feel to contact the Recorder’s office at 812-379-1520




Recorder's Office

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