
About Us

Clayton Nolting,

The Coroner is an elected position authorized by Article 6, Section 2 of the Indiana Constitution and serves a four (4) year term.  The coroner works with many other professionals in the investigation of deaths.  The deaths over which the coroner has jurisdiction are specified in Indiana Code 36-2-14-6.


The Coroner’s office is on-call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  We strive to serve families by providing timely response to those needing our services, including evenings and weekends.  While we do not have a receptionist, your voice mail and e-mail messages are promptly delivered to top staff members. 


The Coroner and deputies are board certified Medico-legal Death Investigators.  To learn more about the training standards and duties of Indiana coroners, please visit the Indiana State Coroners Training Board web site.


Our office uses the services of board certified forensic pathologists, radiologists, and toxicologists to assist us in the most accurate determination of cause and manner of death.


A message from the coroner

The Bartholomew County Coroner’s Office adheres to high standards in the investigation of deaths and in helping families surviving loss.  My staff and I continue to work toward goals that ensure that our county exceeds today’s best practices for death investigations.


In January 2017, we established an office within the Bartholomew County Government building located at 440 Third Street (corner of 3rd & Franklin Streets).  We also established permanent phone and fax lines, as well as a general e-mail account.  Messages go out to top staff members to ensure a timely response. 


Records Request

Records requests are a vital function of the Office of Coroner.  Our records provide government transparency, assist surviving families in getting answers and help insurance companies and others in the settlement of claims arising from deaths.  For these reasons, we work quickly to provide records. 


Death certificates are not among the records provided by the Coroner’s Office.  To obtain death certificates contact the Bartholomew County Health Department’s vital records section.  To learn more about obtaining death certificates, click here.   


Not all records maintained by the Coroner’s Office are public records.  We adhere to state and federal laws in protecting confidential records, while making public records available upon request.  For information on coroner records, please see Indiana Code 36-2-14-18.


We have developed a Records Request Form to expedite service.  The form can be downloaded Here


*It is not a requirement to complete the form in order to obtain records – it simply helps us speed up the process.


Annual Report
