About Us

Bartholomew County established the Bartholomew County Redevelopment Commission (BCRC) to ensure redevelopment in underutilized/blighted areas and/or areas with barriers to development for a use that is in the best social and economic interest of the County and its residents. This is done through techniques which can include real estate acquisition, site preparation and/or providing public infrastructure to the site. These techniques can be funded using Tax-Increment Financing and Redevelopment General Obligation Bonds that will benefit all taxable property within the boundaries of the Economic Development Area. A primary focus is the enhancement of the economic vitality of the county, the expansion of the tax base and the creation of new jobs within the county.

Missions & Objectives

The Bartholomew County Redevelopment Commission mission is comprised of three components:

• Enhance the economic health and vitality of Bartholomew County
• Provide the environment for business and industry growth, expansion and attraction
• Increase the county’s tax base

Central to the achievement of the overarching mission are the following objectives:

• Collaboration and facilitation - the Bartholomew County Redevelopment Commission may take an active lead, be a partner, or be a participant with other agencies and entities to implement the goals and objectives of Bartholomew County and the Bartholomew County Redevelopment Commission
• Establish, maintain and enhance community assets that attract business, industry, residents, workforce, and visitors.
• Provide the full range of high-quality infrastructure elements necessary to support business and industry growth, retention and attraction.

In addition to the mission and objectives identified above, the plan is specifically designed to provide financing for transportation, fire protection, sewer, storm water, water supply, property acquisition and/or development, and funding for future economic development projects and workforce training as defined in I.C. 36-7-14-12.2(a), I.C. 36-7-11.9-3, and I.C. 36-7-25-7, to foster the goals and objectives of the Area to promote the full potential of the economic development area.


Commission Members

The Commission consists of 5 appointed members, each member will serve for 1 (one) year. A non-voting member of the school board must also be appointed. This member will serve a 2 (two) year term. By statute the fiscal officer of the county (Auditor) serves as the Treasurer of the Commission.

 Jorge Morales  Dan Arnholt    Carl Lienhoop Mark Gorbett Pia O'Connor
Jorge Morales
Dan Arnholt
DeWayne Hines
Carl Leinhoop
Mark Gorbett
Nicole Wheeldon
Pia O'Connor
Appointed by:
Appointed by:
Appointed by:
Appointed by:
Appointed by:
Appointed by:
(School Board)
Appointed by:
State Statue

Meeting Audio

Redevelopment Commission Audio - 2019

Meeting Minutes

Redevelopment Commission Minutes - 2019

BCRC Minutes 09 16 2019 (1627 downloads) Popular #
BCRC Minutes 04 23 2019 (1433 downloads) Popular #
BCRC Minutes 04 08 2019 (1593 downloads) Popular #
BCRC Minutes 01 02 2019 (1503 downloads) Popular #

Redevelopment Commission

Economic Development Plan BarthCo Northern Gateway 12 9 2014 v2 (2775 downloads) Popular #
Tax Impact Statement (2870 downloads) Popular #



BCRC Resolution 2014 (3748 downloads) Popular #
County Commissioners EDA TIF Resolution 2015 (3581 downloads) Popular #
County Plan Commission Signed Resolution 1/14/15 (3862 downloads) Popular #
Joint District Plan Commission Signed Resolution 1/14/15 (3475 downloads) Popular #
